Monday, September 29, 2014

Deposits of Hope

In September of 2007, in the moments between waking up and coming out of dreams, I heard the still small voice of the Spirit of God say,

     "Treasure is in the deepest place, the richest place   -   the human soul."

 With that statement my mind flooded with images of the mineral veins of the earth, solid streams of gold and silver, precious deposits woven between layers of granite according to the blueprints of the Creator.  And then in my mind's eye those deposits became the shimmery strands of Heaven's golden revelations of the hopes, dreams, visions, illuminations in the deep foundations of the spirit of man that guide our souls onto the paths of goodness that God has paved before us.  It's seems that the more we dig and the deeper we go, the better we can see our way along the path.

Proverbs 4:18  "But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day."

It's an oxymoron to say that we have to dig deep to see the sun shine brighter but that is what really happens when the life-stream from a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ is constantly cultivated in our hearts.  We open our heart to the deposits made by the Holy Spirit into our own spirit and with determined hope we dig for that gold, and then as we are digging the revelation hits our heart and the eyes of our understanding "get it."  With the treasure of that new-found wisdom deep inside of us we can walk out our growing faith!  Revelation of that Living Word brings us to transformation that we can then live out.  The treasures deposited deep inside become visible faith to live by, grow by, and shine out to others, giving them hope!

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